If you have anemia or neuropathy, you will want to continue reading this week’s blog about our next in-house supplement, Unique B-12. It’s vital that we ingest adequate vitamins for proper body function. Every vitamin has its specific role that targets one or more areas of the body.

There are 8 essential B vitamins that play a unique role in the body. When the body lacks one or more B vitamins, the body begins to fail. When the first seven B vitamins are deficient, there are a few medical conditions that can be resolved simply by increasing vitamin B intake. Although it is easy to resolve, there are still lifelong complications that can result.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is the eighth B vitamin and is the most crucial for body function. Foods high in B12 include beef, fish, eggs, cow’s milk, fortified cereals, etc.  B12 supports bodily processes such as DNA creation, and the formation of red blood cells. In addition, it provides nourishment to the brain and nervous system, a requirement in the development of nerve myelination. 

When the body lacks Vitamin B12, both the cardiovascular and nervous systems rapidly decline. When the production of red blood cells slows down, the body becomes anemic. Anemia is when there are not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. Anemia is far more common in women, especially women who still menstruate, however, men can also be anemic. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, weakness, lower body temperature, pale skin, heart palpitations, etc. 

When Vitamin B12 deficiency attacks the nervous system, it affects the body both physically and cognitively. Studies show that B12 deficiency may lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Another neurological condition that can be caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency is neuropathy. If you have been a patient at our office for a while, you know that we specialize in neuropathy management using state-of-the-art equipment. Neuropathy is a nerve degenerating disease that causes symptoms such as muscle weakness, loss of sensation, temperature intolerances, irregular heartbeats and/or loss of bowel or bladder control.  There are over 200 different causes of neuropathy, but when neuropathy is caused by vitamin deficiency, it is called metabolic neuropathy.  

At our office, patients on our neuropathy management program are given Unique-B12 supplements, developed by Dee Cee Laboratories, regardless of what type of neuropathy they have because it helps enhance both the nervous and cardiovascular systems. However, you don’t need to have neuropathy to take B12 supplements. Patients take our Unique-B12 product for precautionary measures.

If you have any questions about Unique-B12 or Vitamin B12 itself, feel free to reach out to us at (724) 547-3377 and check out our website, www.laurelmountainchiro.com for more information.

Yours in Health,

Brian M. Steinert, DC

Larry E. Wilkins, DC